

tunnel bear的相關標籤

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2015/6/24 Letter I, I is for in! 上週才說想畫一本簡單又討喜的繪本,趁著端午連假,我就動手了! 既然找不到跟“In”相關且喜歡的書,乾脆就自己畫一本吧! XD 雖然這不是我出的第一本書,但這次的作品是完全全手工的! 從繪製、選紙、裁紙、黏貼⋯⋯,全部都是DIY的, 影片中可以看到最後的裁切白邊都還沒完成, 我就先錄影看成果了~ 看完影片就決定~"出版的同時也宣布絕版",哈哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~ 因為實在太搞剛了! 其實自己畫繪本的最大好處就是,圖可以隨意運用, 因為版權在我手上啊!挖哈哈哈哈哈哈哈⋯⋯⋯ 改天把圖印在不織布上,看看效果如何, 到時再來跟大家分享嘿~ 目前雖然只有我擁有這本書, 但還是有一首可搭配的歌曲想跟大家分享, 請大家試試用這旋律唱這本小書吧! Today’s Lesson 【書名】Bear In Bear Out 【Tune】https://goo.gl/mIjNgv Go in and out the red box Go in and out the red box Go in and out the red box As we have done before Go in and out the blue house Go in and out the blue house Go in and out the blue house As we have done before Go in and out the swimming pool Go in and out the swimming pool Go in and out the swimming pool As we have done before Go in and out the green car Go in and out the green car Go in and out the green car As we have done before Go in and out the tunnel Go in and out the tunnel Go in and out the tunnel As we have done before Sleep in the bed, good night Sleep in the bed, good night Sleep in the bed, good night As we do every day

2015/6/24 Letter I, I is for in! 上週才說想畫一本簡單又討喜的繪...